Course Title

Course Profile

Course Modules

Legal Aspects of Mobile and Wireless Communications The course covers Mobile and Data communications and their capabilities together with interrelated technologies (GSM, GPRS, EDGE, HSDPA, WiMAX, WiFi) and is complemented by an insight into the legal aspects of state–of-the-art developments in telecommunications technology. It is delivered by leading practitioners and senior academics.
  • Mobile and Data Communications (Network and Radio Components)
  • Mobile Application Technologies
  • Legal Aspects of Licensing, Tariffs and Competition Activities
  • Telecommunications Agreements
  • Network Security
  • Health and Safety in Mobile Communications
  • Disputes Resolution


Assessing competition and economic analysis in Mobile & Wireless Networks With the maturity and consolidation in the mobile & wireless networks (in both voice and data services), it is essential to have a robust and dynamic regulatory framework which ensures that there is a vibrant competitive environment in order to avoid market domination and unfair practices and ensure equal and open access. This course, delivered by leading practitioners and senior academics, aims to review technological convergence to bring into focus both legal and technological indices to effectively monitor the performance of all participants in the industry.
  • Quality of Service
  • Comparative telecommunication regimes
  • International regulatory framework
  • Technological challenges of regulation
  • Disputes settlement in the international telecom industry
Effective Judicial Processes A professional short course aimed at judges as part of their continuous professional development. Its focus is to increase awareness of modern judicial systems with a view to promoting good practice, efficiency and administration of justice. The practical uses to which ICT can be put within a judicial context are an addendum to this short course.
  • The role and independence of the judiciary in the administration of justice in a democratic environment.
  • Rules of natural justice
  • The role of ICT in the judicial process
  • Rules and guidelines of judicial interpretation in a modern context: golden rules, literal rules, mischief rules and purposive rules
  • Effective application of the rule of law
Judicial Administration Processes Comparative analysis of judicial administration processes (the UK and other jurisdictions as case-studies) with a view to identifying lessons to be learnt and good practice to be followed in order to promote efficiency in the administration of justice
  • Case-load management
  • Role of the registrars in the judicial processes
  • Enforcement of local and international judgements – case-study of UK judicial practice
  • The role of ICT in the propagation of judicial precedence
Assets Recovery The course aims to provide a detailed understanding of the issues surrounding complex recovery scenarios and expand the approach & strategies to improve the rate of success by providing insights into the complexity of fraud, including categorisation and determining.
  • Fraud – Analysis of its Structure and Beneficiaries
  • Advanced Recovery Strategies
  • Different types of fraudster (determining and categorisation)
  • Forensic accounting methodology
  • Utilising accounting packages and bank statements.
  • Collaborating with other law enforcement agencies.
Proceeds of Crime The course aims to provide mechanisms and instruments in conducting confiscation & asset recovery investigations, prior to seeking restraint orders under the Proceeds of Crime Act & associated legislation in other similar confiscation legislation and asset recovery mandates including case-studies.
  • History of confiscation and money-laundering
  • Structure of the Proceeds of Crime Act (PoCA) and associated legislation.
  • Financial investigations
  • Confiscation regime
  • Anti-Money-laundering
Legal Practice Review This intensive hands-on course will be delivered by leading practitioners and senior academics. It will impart the key skills required by legal practitioners as part of their continuous professional development using methodologies that include case-studies.
  • Money-Laundering.
  • Evidence scrutiny in trials (admissibility)
  • Alternative dispute resolution.
  • Rule of Law: Examining rule of law indices.
  • Using ICT in forensic investigative processes.
Pharmaceutical Control and Quality Assurance This course, based on intensive classroom lectures and laboratory sessions delivered by leading practitioners and senior academics, will provide a fundamental understanding of the concepts and essential principles of quality assurance (QA), quality control (QC) and good pharmaceutical manufacturing practice (GMP) in drugs production. It also aims to develop a thorough understanding of the procurement ofhigh-qualitymedicines and the current associated regulatory and compliance practice globally.
  • Principles of QA systems in Pharmaceutical Control
  • Challenges of Counterfeit Drugs
  • Methods of analysis used in industrial medicines control, with emphasis on HPLC
  • Case-studies on typical sources of problems in QA systems